09 Feb 2018

Think Again!

By: Stijn Janssen

By design.

When innovation, digitalization & changes in technology are moving rapidly, we need to move forward. We need to make progress to keep ahead of our competitors. We need to be early adaptors to be different. Or at least be part of the early majority. That’s what Theodore Levitt, American economist points out in his book ‘Product of Life Cycle’. Why? Because you have a problem with collecting and analyzing nonsense data - and technology will fix it? Or because you are experiencing a challenge in tracking the effectiveness of whatever - and technology will fix it?

Wrong, think again!

Digitalization and technology are not the solutions to your problems or challenges.

I dare to state that most of the times you have written a business case (and got an approval, good for you), it was based on the wrong problem and you did not involve all proper stakeholders to come to the right case.

When somebody in the organizations shouts ‘Houston, we have a problem, and we need to [direction/solution]’, it should be a signal to step on the breaks and think again. It might sound like a waste of time, but you will see in the end it will bring you much more.

So, think again:

    • What is the problem?
    • Is it a problem?
    • Why is it a problem?
    • To whom is it a problem?
    • Who are involved?
    • And what is the impact of this problem?

Dive deeper

Asking these questions may feel strange (because you already know the answer, right?) but will help you to focus on the root of the problem.
The most important questions to answer are:

who are involved?’
to whom is it a problem?’

Bring these people together and start diving. It starts with understanding each other: what are you doing related the problem and why?

By thinking again you create a common understanding of your journeys, processes, roles and responsibilities. You will be able to bring new perspectives on the initial problem that could lead to a redefinition or completely new business case. Maybe it turns out that the initial statement is still relevant or it might be a completely different problem; either way you have saved money.


‘We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them”
-Albert Einstein


Only by bringing people together and asking questions, the organization adapts a common understanding of the problem and becomes aligned and committed to support the business case.

At Talent Peaks we strive to be early adopters who know what the trends and innovations are in your market, but more importantly, we understand and adapt to your processes and stakeholders. As a guide during your digital journey, we want to challenge your problems and help you ask the ‘why?’ question. Because we believe finding the root of your problem is the real innovation that will enable you to make the best choice for a digital solution, within your business case.

We use several methods in mapping. That way, we help you design your processes and journeys and use the approach that suits your organization best:

  • Process flow analysis - from a current AS IS – to a future TO BE state
  • Visual process management
  • Lean management - gives insights on waste in processes
  • Design Thinking - stakeholder value mapping and customer journey mapping
  • SCRUM - to set up your priorities and needs to follow up on

Thinking out loud!

From experience we notice that when organizations start explaining or presenting their processes out loud to another party (like us), they gain new insights and different perspectives on the initial problem by being challenged with a different way of thinking.

Think different
- Apple

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